Robert Groves, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Banner Health Network
Over the last five years we’ve done a lot of work together and we’ve had some great success…
Mohamed Diab, MD, Vice President, Provider Transformation, Aetna
We were able to improve the quality of care for our members and also reduce unnecessary cost. We believe we can do more.
Tom Grote, CEO, Banner|Aetna
We’re also going to be working more closely to solve the challenges that we see in the health care system…
Chuck Lehn, Executive Vice President of Strategic Growth, Banner Health Network
Whole new level
We’ll take it to a whole new level. That’s what I’m excited about.
Tom Grote, CEO, Banner|Aetna
We have a very much a shared vision about what it’s going to take to be successful.
Chuck Lehn, Executive Vice President of Strategic Growth, Banner Health Network
It’s we, not they. We have a new joint venture and we’re both fully invested in it.
Tom Grote, CEO, Banner|Aetna
Aetna and Banner coming together have an opportunity to really change the health care delivery model.
Mohamed Diab, MD, Vice President, Provider Transformation, Aetna
Delivering value
We believe at the end of the day it's going to deliver a significant value for our consumers and our community.
Chuck Lehn, Executive Vice President of Strategic Growth, Banner Health Network
We have the most promise of long-term sustainability, bending the cost curve, and really leaving it better than we found it.
Robert Groves, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Banner Health Network
It’s legacy time. And that’s what I say to my colleagues. This is your opportunity to make a difference.
Banner|Aetna is the brand name used for products and services provided by Banner Health and Aetna Health Insurance Company and Banner Health and Aetna Health Plan Inc. Health benefits and health insurance plans are offered and/or underwritten by Banner Health and Aetna Health Insurance Company and/or Banner Health and Aetna Health Plan Inc. (Banner|Aetna). Each insurer has sole financial responsibility for its own products. Banner Health and Aetna Health Insurance Company and Banner Health and Aetna Health Plan Inc. are affiliates of Banner Health and, of Aetna Life Insurance Company and its affiliates (Aetna). Aetna provides certain management services to Banner|Aetna. BannerIAetna is working to obtain approval of forms and premium rates from the Arizona Department of Insurance. If the Department of Insurance approves the policy forms and rates, Banner|Aetna plans are anticipated to be available in 2018.
This material is for information only. Health benefits and health insurance plans contain exclusions and limitations. Providers are independent contractors and are not agents of Banner|Aetna. Provider participation may change without notice. Banner|Aetna does not provide care or guarantee access to health care services. Information is believed to be accurate as of the production date; however, it is subject to change.